The following links will lead to important information, such as:

  • Macon and Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University Federal Wide Assurance with Health and Human Services which outlines our promise to conduct human subject research within the confines of the regulations;
  • Link to CITI training (required human subjects training)
  • Research and Infrastructure Service Enterprise (RISE) – provides assistance with statistical planning and analysis
  • Main regulatory bodies for human subject research (OHRP and FDA) and HIPPA regulations.
  • Note the OHRP and FDA have guidance documents to assist in the interpretation of the regulations, as well as long-standing ethical policies and acts.

Institutional Review Board

Additional Resources

  • Research and Infrastructure Service Enterprise (RISE)
  • CITI Program (Training) Please email the IRB office ( for instructions on how to create your CITI account. 
  • REDCap Link - Macon and Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University requires the use of REDCap for any Brock VHS study involving data collection (surveys, record reviews, electronic data transfers, etc.). The IRB office recommends the use of REDCap for all other sites submitting studies involving data collection.  REDCap already addresses many of the data protection concerns when working with human subjects. 

Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Office of Civil Rights (OCR) - HIPAA regulations