Legal Information
Copyright - summary of the penalties for violating federal copyright law.
Title IX- Learn about Title IX, who your title IX coordinators are and what to do if you believe you have been a victim of, have witnessed or have concerns about sex discrimination or sexual misconduct at EVMS.
Compliance Information
Code of Conduct - Sets forth expectations of how members of the EVMS Community should conduct themselves.
EVMS/EVMS Medical Group Compliance Reporting - About the EVMS Compliance Programs and how to report misconduct or other compliance issues.
Pilot Program for Enhancement of Employee Whistleblower Protection
Disclosure of Interests - the EVMS policy on who must disclose interests and related Annual Disclosure form.
Compliance Reporting/Anti-Retaliation Policy - How compliance issues are to be disclosed and how individuals who make good faith disclosures are protected from retaliation.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention - EVMS program designed to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illegal drugs by its employees and students.
Identity Theft Program - How to detect, identify and mitigate identity theft.
Policy Development - Requirements for the creation and approval of EVMS policies.
- Accreditation requirements for educational programs.
- Authority, limitations and responsibilities of all EVMS employees with regard to business dealings. Also sets forth contracting requirements and signatory authority on behalf of EVMS.
Records Retention - This policy provides best practices on the creation, storage, and disposition of important records retained by EVMS.