Beyond Clinic Walls (BCW) connects students with older adults residing in the Norfolk area, focusing on those in isolating environments, including those who are unable to commute and lack social contacts and support.

BCW has two opportunities for Medical and Health Professions students to be involved in:

  1. The HealthWise Technology Coaching Program and HealthWise Research Project “The Impact Of Technology Training Program On Social Isolation For Older Adults.”
    •  HealthWise Coaches teach older adults to learn or refine their computer skills to keep them engaged, entertained and connected to family, friends and care providers.
  2. Home Visitation Project with our Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology and Senior Services of S. E. Virginia.
    • Student visitors, matched to an older adult in the community, provide valuable companionship and help them maintain independence and quality of life.

Students will:

  • Support the quality of life for older adults in the community, especially those who may be isolated and lack a support network.
  • Gain first-hand knowledge of programs and services for older adults along with the challenges and rewards experienced by an aging population.
  • Participate in the various activities sponsored by the Geriatric Student Interest Group called SAGE-Students for the Advancement of Geriatric Education.
  • Receive mentorship in research endeavors with the geriatricians in the Glennan Center.
  • Gain the opportunity to attend specialty clinics.

Click to report your service hours for Beyond Clinic Walls.

For additional details on Beyond Clinic Walls, you can download the handout: HERE

You may also contact Community-Engaged Learning for any additional questions.

Students, report your CEL hours: HERE