Natalie Meeks

Medical Master's Class of 2011 | MD Class of 2015

The Medical Master’s program was an obvious choice for me. I was unable to get into medical school directly from undergrad and the program allowed me to prove my ability and enhance my AMCAS application. Compared to other medical master’s programs, the MD program allows master’s students to be almost completely immersed in the M1 curriculum. You take all but 3 M1 classes with the M1 students, which allow you to really see if you can handle medical school. Many other master’s programs separate the master’s students from the M1 classes and there is little interaction between the programs. The medical school does a wonderful job of integrating the two programs and making the master’s students feel like a part of the school instead of split off or “unimportant” compared to the medical students.

The Medical Master’s program really made me hungry for medical school. It gave me the motivation I needed to prove that I belonged to be in those same seats as the medical students. My determination and drive that was created by the master’s program has continued into my second year of medical school and I am excelling academically. Looking back, I would have done the Medical Master’s program even if I had gotten into medical school. I don’t think I would appreciate my position as a medical student or have half the drive I have now without it.