School of Health Professions Scholarships

The scholarship links are for various health professions programs at our institution. The application is due as listed on that form. Be sure to list your full name on each page of the documentation. Carefully examine your application for completeness, spelling, and grammar.

Don't forget to explore outside resources for other scholarship or grant opportunities, such as the H-1B workforce grant.


Provide one scholarship each fiscal year to School of Health Professions student from Hampton Roads with the greatest financial need. Renewable if the student still demonstrates the greatest need.


Scholarship for a physician's assistant student who demonstrates financial need and is in good academic standing.


  • Students in the PA program
  • Demonstrate financial need and good academic standing


  • Be a first-year student accepted into the Surgical Assisting (M.S.A.) program
  • Be in good academic standing as evidenced by documentation filed with the Office of Financial Aid and any other such documentation or information the Scholarship Selection Committee may require
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • May be renewable for the second year of the program
  • Applicants must submit a brief written personal statement, that includes a short explanation of their experience working in the medical field, and how they see themselves trying to progress in the Surgical Assisting profession in the next five years


Established in 2001, this scholarship was created in honor of Dr. H. McDonald “Mac” Rimple, a distinguished physician, an Assistant Surgeon General in the U.S. Public Health Service, and the former Eastern Regional Director of the Virginia Department of Health. 


The scholarship will be awarded annually to a first-year student enrolled in the Public Health master's program, based on financial need.


Established in 1998, the Employee Endowed Scholarship is awarded to children of full-time faculty and other employees. Scholarships are limited in number based on available funding each academic year.


The recipient of the Employee Endowed Scholarship Fund must meet the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a degree-granting program of study and be in good academic standing.
  • The student must be the child of either a full-time faculty member or other employees of the institute who have a minimum of one year of service. 
  • If the employee is no longer employed, the scholarship is not renewable.
  • The student must indicate eligibility on the Online Financial Aid Application by requesting the scholarship.
  • The student must provide documentation as to the name of and relationship to the qualifying employee.


The fund was established in 1990 by various donors comprised of administrative staff. The Administrative Resource Council has held many fundraisers on campus over the years and directs the proceeds to this scholarship. 


The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student enrolled in one of the health professions programs on a rotating basis.


Incoming Medical Master's student on the 1-year track at with financial need. Must demonstrate a commitment to the field of medicine and their community. Applicant must have a minimum of 150 hours of community service and a minimum of 125 hours of clinical care.

Applicants must provide an essay on the following: One of the qualities prominent in both successful Medical Master's students and physicians is humility. Describe a time when you witnessed humility in a clinical setting and explain why you think this characteristic is important for the practice of medicine.


As a founding partner of Valleywide Surgical Services located in Phoenix, Arizona, and the past president of the National Surgical Assistant Association (NSAA), Eugene O. Smith advocated firmly for the advanced education of surgical assistants. Mr. Smith worked tirelessly to develop high educational standards for the NSAA and served for many years as its president. Eugene O. Smith Scholarship was established in 2011 in his memory as the first scholarship fund specifically designated for a surgical assistant. The Eugene O. Smith Scholarship recipient reflects the vision of Eugene Smith, by demonstrating the following qualities: a commitment to excellence in the classroom, a promise as a leader among their peers, a spirit of professional stewardship, and a dedication to ever-expanding their command of the science and art of surgical assisting.


The scholarship will be awarded annually to a second-year Surgical Assisting student enrolled who demonstrates the following:

  • a commitment to excellence in the classroom
  • promise as a leader among their peers
  • a spirit of professional stewardship
  • dedication to ever-expanding his or her command of the science and art of surgical assisting

Final selection made by Financial Aid in conjunction with the program.


Established in January 2011 in tandem with the Inaugural Scholarship Reception, this fund was endowed by the close of the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2011. It was awarded for the first time in 2011.


The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Master of Physician Assistant program.


Established in January 2011 in tandem with the Inaugural Scholarship Reception, this fund was endowed by the close of the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2011. The first award was made to a student in 2011. 


The scholarship will be awarded annually on a rotating basis to a student enrolled in one of the following programs: Physician Assistant (M.P.A.), Public Health (M.P.H.), Counseling & Art Therapy (M.S.), and Biomedical Sciences - Research (M.S.).


  • Be a student accepted into the Art Therapy program who is in good academic standing.
  • The scholarship is renewable.

This scholarship is awarded by Counseling & Art Therapy to one rising second-year student who demonstrates financial need and excellence academically and in the self-expression of his/her artist-therapist identity in artwork and written commentary. The monetary value of the scholarship varies yearly and is dependent upon the growth of the funding source. The scholarship is awarded as tuition remission.

History and biography

This scholarship was created in 1997 in memory of art therapist James J. Consoli, ATR-BC, LPC (1956-1997), and additional funds were given in 2014 in memory of Meghan Kirkpatrick (1987-2014).

Jim Consoli earned a Master of Arts in Art Therapy from George Washington University. He was a registered and Board-certified art therapist, a National Certified Counselor, a Licensed Professional Counselor in Tennessee and Virginia, and an AAMFT-approved supervisor. He held a faculty position from 1990-1997. At the time of his early passing, Jim was the Assistant Director of the Art Therapy & Counseling program (now Counseling & Art Therapy) and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He served a term as president of the Virginia Art Therapy Association. He presented locally, nationally, and internationally and was an instructor on the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) Family Art Therapy Regional Symposium team. James Consoli is best remembered for his strong artist-therapist identity, playful sense of humor, and interests in family therapy, hypnosis and visualization, and the creation of educational videos. He was instrumental in his contributions to a major curriculum revision of the Art Therapy & Counseling program in 1990, which included a new studio course in Processes and Materials of Art Psychotherapy, the development of the family therapy specialization track, and the alignment of coursework with the potential for licensure of graduates as professional counselors. In his 1991 film, Psychimagery, he used a technique he called "ushered imagery" to allow patients to serve as their own guide in order to create personal solutions through their own empowerment. Jim served as the first video reviewer for Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. He is now remembered through the Jim Consoli Video/Film Award, given by the AATA in recognition of a video or film of high quality that adds to the existing fund of knowledge about the field of art therapy.

From a very early age, Meghan Kirkpatrick discovered her joy and talent were connected to art. That led her to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree at a small liberal arts college. Upon graduation, unsure of how to best utilize her education, she worked for almost 2 years at a graphic design company. During her time there, she came to realize that this was not going to be her career. In the fall of 2011, after plenty of soul-searching and an equal amount of trepidation, she entered the Art Therapy & Counseling program. The classes, fellow students, and faculty all led her to understand that becoming an art therapist was exactly what she wanted to be doing with her life. Always a compassionate person, she looked forward to the opportunity to affect others' lives through art therapy. Unfortunately, the cancer that Meghan was initially diagnosed with at age 12 returned after the completion of her first year and ended her hopes of returning to complete her degree and sadly, her life. It is hoped this award will help other students with the same aspirations as Meghan to complete their studies and allow them to pursue this worthy career. 

Criteria and application

This scholarship is awarded to a student progressing into the second year of Counseling & Art Therapy. 

The scholarship will be awarded based on the following:

  • The student must have a GPA of at least 3.5
  • Student needs to demonstrate financial need, as determined by Financial Aid, based on the evaluation of submission of the following:
    • Online Financial Aid Application
    • FASFA Application
    • All applicable forms are available on the student portal or the Financial Aid website. Please note deadlines posted on the Financial Aid website.
  • Submission of the completed James Consoli Scholarship application.
  • Submission of a qualifying art piece and accompanying written statement.
    • The artwork (in any media/style) should conceptualize the development of your artist-therapist identity. The accompanying written statement (i.e. prose, poetry, dialogue) should describe what you sense, feel, think, and know from the artwork.

The artwork, application form, and commentary must be delivered to the program by the last day of the spring semester of the first year of the program.

Evaluation and award process

The James J. Consoli Scholarship Committee, comprised of the Counseling & Art Therapy Program Director and core faculty, will select the winner based on the completeness of the application and the evaluation of the following:

  1. The artwork’s ability to stand on its own merit as a work of art.
  2. The congruency between the written statement and the artwork.
  3. Conceptualization of the theme: Development of your artist/therapist identity.

Faculty will determine the winner and Financial Aid will notify the award winner during the summer. The winner of the scholarship will receive a certificate, and a financial tuition remission and will have their artwork and written statement prominently displayed on campus for one year.


First-year MPA student from the Commonwealth of Virginia demonstrating academic excellence, have a proven record of community service, and in good academic standing. Applicants from the Commonwealth of Virginia will receive first consideration. If no scholarship applicant meets the geographic criteria, applicants from anywhere in the United States will be considered.


Art Therapy student. Preference is given to students who have overcome academic challenges in their academic careers. The student is to submit a 250-500 word essay describing academic challenges. Challenges include dyslexia, attention-deficit disorder, dysgraphia, or any similar disorders. Renewable to an Art Therapy student in good academic standing.


Student accepted into the Masters of Reproductive Clinical Science program who demonstrates the greatest financial need.


MPA students in good academic standing shall demonstrate merit and must submit a 500-word essay to the scholarship committee describing the applicant’s resolve skills and determination to overcome obstacles or adversity to pursue the dream of helping others.


The scholarship shall be awarded each fiscal year in accordance with the Scholarship Selection Committee guidelines in effect at the time the award is made. The scholarship shall be renewable to an MPA Program student. The scholarship awardee shall:

a. Be an student accepted into the Master of Physician Assistant (MPA) Program.

b. Demonstrate need as evidenced by documentation filed with the Office of Financial Aid and any other such documentation or information as the Scholarship Selection Committee may require.


Mrs. Kay Abiouness created an endowed scholarship fund for a student in the Medical Master's program.


  • Accepted into the 2 Year Medical Masters program
  • Minority background underrepresented in medicine with interest or commitment to serving the African-American community
  • Current resident or graduate of high school in Hampton Roads region; if no Hampton Roads, students from Virginia may be considered
  • Financial need
  • Good academic standing
  • Personal statement about why the student is interested in pursuing medicine


Mrs. Kay Abiouness created a restricted scholarship fund to complement the Kay and Albert
Abiouness Medical Masters Endowed Scholarship. This gift is $70,000 and is intended to cover
the tuition of one student for two years.


The scholarship shall be awarded each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) in accordance with the internal
Scholarship Selection Committee guidelines are in effect at the time the award is made. The
scholarship recipient shall:

  • Be a student accepted into the Medical Master's, MS Two Year program.
  • Be a student who is of a minority background and underrepresented in medicine with an
    interest in or a commitment to serving the African-American community.
  • Be a current resident or graduate of a high school in the Hampton Roads region as noted
    in their Financial Aid application; if there is no student from the Hampton Roads region,
    students from the Commonwealth of Virginia may be considered.
  • Have demonstrated financial need
  • Be in good academic standing as evidenced by documentation filed with our offices.
    of Financial Aid and any other such documentation or information the Scholarship
    Selection Committee may require. The scholarship award may be renewable with demonstrated strong academic progress.

A personal statement about why the student is interested in pursuing medicine will be required for applying for this scholarship. This statement will be reviewed by Financial Aid, in conjunction with the above criteria to determine the selected scholarship recipient.


  • Students must be enrolled in the PA or SA program
  • Must demonstrate financial need
  • Students must be of a minority background/underrepresented population in the PA or SA program
  • Must be in good academic standing
  • The scholarship is renewable

The "Thomas Parish, DHSc, PA-C Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship" aims to support underrepresented minorities in the PA profession and/or those who openly identify as LGBTQ+.


The scholarship recipient shall:

  1. Be a student accepted into the Masters of Physician Assistant (MPA) program; 
  2. Meet one of the two following criteria:
    1. Either be of a background underrepresented in the PA profession
    2. Identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ community;
  3. Demonstrates financial need
  4. Be in good academic standing



Female, minority student from Hampton Roads enrolled in one of the following programs:  Physician Assistant, Art Therapy & Counseling, Contemporary Human Anatomy, Pathologists Assistant, Surgical Assisting, Medical Masters 1 year program, and Medical Masters 2 year Program.  If no students are eligible from Hampton Roads, the following order will be 1) a minority student from VA, including graduating from VA high school or college, 2) a minority female student from anywhere in the US, 3) a female student from VA, including a graduate of a VA high school or college, 4) female student from anywhere in the US.