Biomedical Sciences Research, MS - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   Biomedical Sciences Research, MS  Biomedical Sciences Research, MS 
Budget length   12 mos. 12 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($477/credit)** $12,164 $11,448
  Out-of-state ($619/credit)** $15,785 $14,856
Fees* Mandatory $1,206 $1,106
  Health insurance $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $17,200 $16,384
  Out-of-state $20,821 $19,792
Other allowances Books and article packet $200 $200
  Room $16,800 $16,800
  Board $6,216 $6,216
  Personal expenses $1,056 $1,056
  Transportation $4,836 $4,836
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $46,308 $45,492
  Out-of-state $49,929 $48,900
Loan fees *** Direct unsubsidized - 1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,091 $1,057
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,244 $1,201
Total cost of attendance
including loan fees
In-state $47,615 $46,765
  Out-of-state $51,389 50,317

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Biomedical Sciences, Ph.D. - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025    Biomedical Sciences, Ph.D. Year 1 Biomedical Sciences, Ph.D.  Year 2 Biomedical Sciences, Ph.D.  Year 3+ Biomedical Sciences, Ph.D.  Final Year
Budget length   12 mos. 12 mos. 12 mos. 12 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($477/credit)** $13,356 $11,448 $11,448 $11,448
  Out-of-state ($619/credit)** $17,332 $14,856 $14,856 $14,856
Fees* Mandatory $1,301 $1,301 $1,301 $1,301
  Health insurance $3,830 $3,830 $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $18,487 $16,579 $16,579 $16,579
  Out-of-state $22,463 $19,987 $19,987 $19,987
Other allowances Books and article packet $200 $100 $100 $100
  Room $16,800 $16,800 $16,800 $16,800
  Board $6,216 $6,216 $6,216 $6,216
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $1,056 $1,056 $1,056
  Transportation  $5,149   $5,149   $5,149  $5,149  
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $47,908 $45,900 $45,900 $45,900
  Out-of-state $51,884 $49,308 $49,308 $49,308
Loan fees *** Direct unsubsidized - 1.057%  $216 $216 $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,159 $1,074 $1,074 $1,074
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,325 $1,218 $1,218 $1,218
Total cost of attendance
including loan fees
In-state $49,283 $47,190 $47,190 $47,190
  Out-of-state $53,425 $50,742 $50,742 $50,742

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Cost of attendance projection for the first year is based on 27 credits (11 in fall, 12 in spring, and 4 in summer). The second year is based on 24 credits (9 in fall, 9 in spring, and 6 in summer). The actual cost of attendance is based on the education plan, which must be updated for any changes during the academic year.

***Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Year 1 disbursements: Two equal installments in fall and spring.

Year 2 disbursements: Three equal installments in fall, spring, and summer.

Counseling & Art Therapy - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   Counseling & Art Therapy  Counseling & Art Therapy
Budget length   12mos. 9mos.
Tuition* In-state ($1,020/credit)    $31,620 $26,520
  Out-of-state ($1,394/credit) $43,214 $36,244
Fees* Mandatory  $1,861 $1,836
  Health insurance $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $37,311 $32,186
  Out-of-state $48,905 $41,910
Other allowances Books and article packet $2,500 $1,750
  Room $12,600 $12,600
  Board $4,662 $4,662
  Personal expenses $792 $792
  Transportation $3,627 $3,627
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $61,492 $55,617
  Out-of-state $73,086 $65,341
Loan fees** Direct Unsubsidized  - 1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,733 $1,485
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $2,223 $1,896
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $63,441 $57,318
  Out-of-state $75,525 $67,453

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Counseling & Art Therapy PT - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   CAT1 PT CAT2 PT CAT3 PT
Budget length   12 mos. 12 mos. 9 mos.
Tuition* In-state  ($1,0020/credit) $28,560 $21,420 $12,240
  Out-of-state ($1,394/credit) $39,032 $29,274 $16,728
Fees* Mandatory  $984 $829 $924
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state (S) $29,544 $22,249 $13,164
  Out-of-state (OS) $40,016 $30,103 $17,652
Other allowances Books and article packet $1,900 $1,250 $1,100
  Room $16,800 $16,800 $12,600
  Board $6,216 $6,216 $4,662
  Personal expenses $1,056 $1,056 $792
  Transportation $4,837 $4,837 $3,627
Cost of attendance         
Without loan fees In-state $60,353 $52,408 $35,945
Without loan fees  Out-of-state $70,825 $60,262 $40,433
Loan fees** Direct Unsubsidized  - 1.057%  $216 $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,685 $1,349 $653
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $2,128 $1,681 $843
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $62,254 $53,973 $36,814
  Out-of-state $73,169 $62,159 $41,492

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Doctor of Medical Science - Cost of Attendance


2024-2025   DMS1 DMS2
Budget length   12mos. 12mos.
Tuition* In State ($926/credit) $16,668 $16,668
  Out of State ($926/credit) $16,668 $16,668
Fees* Mandatory $207 $302
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $16,875 $16,970
  Out-of-state $16,875 $16,970
Other allowances Books and equipment $750 $600
  Room $16,800 $16,800
  Board $6,216 $6,216
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $1,056
  Transportation $1,717 $1,717
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $43,414 $43,359
  Out-of-state  $43,414 $43,359
Loan fees*** Direct Unsubsidized-1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $969 $966
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $969 $966
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $44,599 $44,541
  Out-of-state $44,599 $44,541

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

For distance or hybrid programs, your aid will be released on the eighth day of the term (or the next business day). All aid is released initially in as close to equal amounts as possible over the academic year to your student tuition account, subject to satisfactory academic progress.

Doctor of Occupational Therapy - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   OTC1 OTC2
Budget length   12 mos. 12 mos.
Tuition* In-state  ($571/credit) $22,840  $22,840
  Out-of-state ($1,394/credit) $55,760 $55,760
Fees* Mandatory  $2,357 $2,198
  Health Insurance $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state (S) $29,027 $28,868
  Out-of-state (OS) $61,947 $61,788
Other allowances Books and article packet $1,000 $1,000
  Room $16,800 $16,800
  Board $6,216 $6,216
  Personal expenses $1,056 $1,056
  Transportation $5,023 $5,023
Cost of attendance       
Without loan fees In-state 59,122 $58,963
Without loan fees  Out-of-state $92,042 $91,883
Loan fees** Direct Unsubsidized  - 1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,663 $1,626
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $3,025 $3,018
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $60,971 $60,805
  Out-of-state $95,283 $95,117

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Doctoral Program in Medical & Health Professions Education (Ph.D. or EdD) - Cost of Attendance

Budget length   12 mos 12 mos 12 mos 4 mos
Tuition* In-state ($1,015/credit) $21,315 $19,285 $15,225 $4,060
  Out-of-state ($1,015/credit) $21,315 $19,285 $15,225 $4,060
Fees* Mandatory  $207 $132 $132 $227
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $21,522 $19,417 $15,357 $4,287
  Out-of-state $21,522 $19,417 $15,357 $4,287
Other allowances Books and equipment * $414 $349 $27 $0
  Room $16,800 $16,800 $16,800 $5,600
  Board $6,216 $6,216 $6,216 $2,072
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $1,056 $1,056 $352
  Transportation  $1,717  $1,717  $1,717  $572
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $47,725 $45,555 $41,173 $12,883
  Out-of-state $47,725 $45,555 $41,173 $12,883
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057%  $216 $216 $216 $136
  Grad Plus - 4.228% IS $1,151 $1,059 $874 0
  Grad Plus - 4.228% OS $1,151 $1,059 $874 0
Total Cost of Attendance with Loan Fees In State $49,092 $46,830 $42,263 $13,019
with Loan Fees Out of State $49,092 $46,830 $42,263 $13,019

* includes computer purchase

**Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Health Sciences, DHSc - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   Health Sciences, DHSc | Year 1 Health Sciences, DHSc | Year 2 Health Sciences, DHSc | Year 3
Budget length   12 mos. 12 mos. 9 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($1,015/credit) $15,225 $15,225 $12,180
  Out-of-state ($1,015/credit) $15,225 $15,225 $12,180
Fees* Mandatory $207 $132 $227
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $15,432 $15,357 $12,407
  Out-of-state $15,432 $15,357 $12,407
Other allowances Books and equipment $440 $390 $190
  Room $16,800 $16,800 $12,600
  Board $6,216 $6,216 $4,662
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $1,056 $792
  Transportation  $1,717  $1,717  $1,287 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $41,661 $41,536 $31,938
  Out-of-state $41,661 $41,536 $31,938
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057%*** $216 $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state*** $895 $889 $484
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state*** $895 $889 $484
Total cost of attendance
including loan fees
In-state $42,772 $42,641 $32,638
  Out-of-state $42,772 $42,641 $32,638

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

First-year students will enroll in 15 credit hours over three terms. Second-year students will enroll in 15 credit hours over three terms. Third-year students will enroll in 12 credit hours over two terms. Students who transfer credits into or within the program may have an amended cost of attendance. 

Funds will be released in equal disbursements on the eighth day of each term (or the next business day) subject to continued satisfactory academic progress.

Laboratory Animal Science, MS - Cost of Attendance


Laboratory Animal Science | Yr 1

Laboratory Animal Science | Yr 2
Budget length   12 mos. 9 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($1,199/credit) $21,582 $15,587
  Out-of-state ($1,546/credit) $27,828 $20,098
Fees* Mandatory  $207 $227
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $21,789 $15,814
  Out-of-state $28,035 $20,325
Other allowances Books and article packet $2,500 $200
  Room $16,800 $12,600
  Board $6,216 $4,662
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $792
  Transportation  $1,717  $1,287 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $50,078 $35,355
  Out-of-state $56,324 $39,866
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228%  IS $1,251 $628
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% OS $1,515 $819
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $51,545 $36,199
  Out-of-state $58,055 $40,901

For distance or hybrid programs, your aid will be released on the eighth day of the term (or the next business day). All aid is released initially in as close to equal amounts as possible over the academic year to your student tuition account, subject to.

First-year students will enroll in 18 credit hours over 3 terms. Second-year students will enroll in 13 credit hours over 2 terms. 

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1. 

Master of Healthcare Administration - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   Master of Healthcare Administration | Year 1 Master of Healthcare Administration | Year 2
Budget length   12 mos. 9 mos.
Tuition* In State ($832/credit)** $20,800 $14,976
  Out of State ($832/credit)** $20,800 $14,976
Fees* Mandatory $1,231 $1,131
  Health Insurance $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $25,861 $19,937
  Out-of-state $25,861 $19,937
Other allowances Books and article packet $1,870 $610
  Room $16,800 $12,600
  Board $6,216 $4,662
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $792
  Transportation  $1,675  $1,256 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $53,478 $39,857
  Out-of-state $53,478 $39,857
Loan fees*** Direct Unsubsidized-1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,394 $818
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,394 $818
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $55,088 $40,891
  Out-of-state $55,088 $40,891

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**The projected costs are based on an average of 25 credits (3 terms) for year one and 18 credits (2 terms) for year two (43 credits total for the program). The actual cost of attendance will be based on the number of credits listed on a student’s online application or the revised educational plan and confirmed enrollment. Students must notify Financial Aid of all changes in the number of credits.

***Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

For distance or hybrid programs, your aid will be released on the eighth day of the term (or the next business day). All aid is released initially in as close to equal amounts as possible over the academic year to your student tuition account, subject to satisfactory academic progress.

Master of Public Health, MPH - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   Master of Public Health | Year 1 Master of Public Health | Year 2
Budget length   12 mos. 9 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($800/credit)** $20,000 $14,400
  Out-of-state ($1,394/credit)** $34,850 $25,092
Fees* Mandatory $1,281 $1,181
  Health Insurance $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $25,111 $19,411
  Out-of-state $39,961 $30,103
Other allowances Books and article packet $2,200 $1,100
  Room $16,800 $12,600
  Board $6,216 $4,662
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $792
  Transportation  $2,667  $1,979 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $54,050 $40,544
  Out-of-state $68,900 $51,236
Loan fees*** Direct Unsubsidized-1.057%  $392 $348
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $714 $319
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,342 $771
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $55,156 $41,211
  Out-of-state $70,634 $52,355

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**The projected costs are based on an average of 25 credits (3 terms) for year one and 18 credits (2 terms) for year two (43 credits total for the program). The actual cost of attendance will be based on the number of credits listed on a student’s online application or the revised educational plan and confirmed enrollment. Students must notify Financial Aid of all changes in the number of credits.

***Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1. 

For distance or hybrid programs, your aid will be released on the eighth day of the term (or the next business day). All aid is released initially in as close to equal amounts as possible over the academic year to your student tuition account, subject to.

Master of Surgical Assisting, MSA - Cost of Attendance

 2024-2025   Master of Surgical Assisting | Year 1 Master of Surgical Assisting | Year 2
Budget length   9 mos. 12 mos.
Tuition* In-state $18,000 $18,000
  Out-of-state $24,129 $24,129
Fees* Mandatory  $2,560 $4,328
  Health insurance $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $24,390 $26,158
  Out-of-state $30,519 $32,287
Other allowances Books and equipment $1,040 $788
  Room $12,600 $16,800
  Board $4,662 $6,216
  Personal Expenses $792 $1,056
  Transportation  $3,986  $5,195 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $47,470 $56,213
  Out-of-state $53,599 $62,342
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.059%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,140 $1,510
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,399 $1,769
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $48,826 $57,939
  Out-of-state $55,214 $64,327

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Year 1 has two equal disbursements at the beginning of each term; year 2 has three equal disbursements at the beginning of each term.

Master's of Public Health Online, MPH (D) - Cost of Attendance

Employees of Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences At Old Dominion University and Sentara are eligible for a 5 percent tuition discount.

2024-2025   Master's of Public Health Online, MPH1 (D) Master's of Public Health Online, MPH2 (D)
Budget length   12 mos. 9 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($800/credit) $20,000 $14,400
  Out-of-state ($1,394/credit) $34,850 $25,092
Fees* Mandatory  $302 $302
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $20,302 $14,702
  Out-of-state $35,152 $25,394
Other allowances Books & Article Packet $2,200 $1,100
  Room $16,800 $12,600
  Board $6,216 $4,662
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $792
  Transportation  $1,717  $1,287 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $48,291 $35,143
  Out-of-state $63,141 $45,835
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057% in-state $392 $347
  Direct unsubsidized – 1.057% out-of-state $392 $347
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $470 $91
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,098 $543
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $49,153 $35,581
  Out-of-state $64,631 $46,725

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1. 

Medical & Health Professions Education, MMHPE - Cost of Attendance

 2024-2025   Medical & Health Professions Education | Year 1 Medical & Health Professions Education | Year 2
Budget length   12 mos. 9 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($1,015/credit) $18,270 $13,195
  Out-of-state ($1,015/credit) $18,270 $13,195
Fees* Mandatory  $207 $227
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $18,477 $13,422
  Out-of-state $18,477 $13,422
Other allowances Books and article packet $296 $121
  Room $16,800 $12,600
  Board $6,216 $4,662
  Personal Expense $1,056 $793
  Transportation  $2,235  $1,670 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $45,080 $33,268
  Out-of-state $45,080 $33,268
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,039 $540
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,039 $540
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $46,335 $34,024
  Out-of-state $46,355 $34,024

For distance or hybrid programs, your aid will be released on the eighth day of the term (or the next business day). All aid is released initially in as close to equal amounts as possible over the academic year to your student tuition account, subject to.

The MHPE Master's Program covers 31 credits over a 21-month period. First-year students will enroll in 12 credit hours (2023-2024) and 19 credit hours (2024-2025). Second-year students will enroll in 18 credit hours. 

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

** Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Medical Master's: One-year program - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   Medical Master's: One-year program
Budget length   9 mos.
Tuition* In-state $41,577
  Out-of-state $54,671
Fees* Mandatory  $2,560
  Health insurance $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $47,967
  Out-of-state $61,061
Other allowances Books and equipment $1,656
  Room $12,600
  Board $4,662
  Personal Expenses $792
  Transportation  $3,627 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $71,304
  Out-of-state $84,398
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057%  $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $2,148
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $2,702
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $73,668
  Out-of-state $87,316

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for a graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Medical Master's: Two-year program - Cost of Attendance

 2024-2025   Medical Master's two-year program | Year 1 Medical Master's two-year program | Year 2
Budget length   9 mos. 9 mos.
Tuition* In-state  $29,579 $29,579
  Out-of-state  $34,543 $34,543
Fees* Mandatory  $3,259 $2,290
  Health insurance $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $36,668 $35,699
  Out-of-state $41,632 $40,663
Other allowances Books and equipment $732 $1,526
  Room $12,600 $12,600
  Board $4,662 $4,662
  Personal Expenses $792 $792
  Transportation  $3,627  $3,627 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $59,081 $58,906
  Out-of-state $64,045 $63,870
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,631 $1,623
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,841 $1,834
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $60,928 $60,745
  Out-of-state $66,102 $65,920

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Pathologists' Assistant, MHS - Cost of Attendance

 2024-2025   Pathologists' Assistant, MHS | Year 1 Pathologists' Assistant, MHS | Year 2
Budget length   12 mos. 12 mos.
Tuition* In-state $27,743 $27,743
  Out-of-state $35,249 $35,249
Fees* Mandatory  $2,328 $16,753
  Health insurance $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $33,901 $48,326
  Out-of-state $41,407 $55,832
Other allowances Books and equipment $1,684 $750
  Room $16,800 $16,800
  Board $6,216 $6,216
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $1,056
  Transportation  $4,836  $4,836 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $64,493 $77,984
  Out-of-state $71,999 $85,490
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,860 $2,430
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $2,177 $2,748
The total cost of attendance, including loan fees In-state $66,569 $80,630
  Out-of-state $74,392 $88,454

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on the maximum direct unsubsidized for the graduate program and the balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable. Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Physician Assistant, MPA - Cost of Attendance

2024-2025   Physician Assistant | Year 1 Physician Assistant | Year 2 Physician Assistant | Year 3
Budget length   8 mos. 12 mos. 8 mos.
Tuition* In-state $26,792 $39,925 $26,529
  Out-of-state $32,300 $48,133 $31,983
Fees* Mandatory  $2,553 $2,607 $2,108
  Health insurance $2,225 $3,830 $3,830
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $31,570 $46,362 $32,467
  Out-of-state $37,078 $54,570 $37,921
Other allowances Books and equipment $1,789 $2,141 $672
  Room $11,200 $16,800 $11,200
  Board $4,144 $6,216 $4,144
  Personal Expenses $704 $1,056 $704
  Transportation $3,229 $4,836 $3,229
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $52,636 $77,411 $52,416
  Out-of-state $58,144 $85,619 $57,870
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.059% $216** $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,359** $2,406 $1,349
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,592** $2,753 $1,580
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $54,211 $80,033 $53,981
  Out-of-state $59,952 $88,588 $59,666

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.  Origination fees are based on 1.059% for unsubsidized and 4.228% for Grad PLUS

Reproductive Clinical Science, MS - Cost of Attendance

 2024-2025   Reproductive Clinical Science, MS | Year 1 Reproductive Clinical Science, MS | Year 2
Budget length   12 mos. 12 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($1,246/credit)  $24,920 $23,674
  Out-of-state ($1,548/credit) $32,200 $30,590
Fees* Mandatory  $632 $652
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $25,552 $24,326
  Out-of-state $32,832 $31,242
Other allowances Books and article packet $1,500 $100
  Room $16,800 $16,800
  Board $6,216 $6,216
  Personal Expenses $1,056 $1,056
  Transportation  $3,540  $3,540 
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $54,664 $52,038
  Out-of-state $61,944 $58,954
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized  - 1.057%  $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,444 $1,333
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,752 $1,626
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $56,324 $53,587
  Out-of-state $63,912 $60,796

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are based on a maximum $20,500 Direct Stafford Loan for graduate students and a balance of the projected cost of attendance in Grad PLUS, if applicable with approved credit. Loan fees will be adjusted for those students with scholarships or outside assistance to reflect accurate fee amounts.

The Reproductive Clinical Science Master’s Program covers 36 credits over a 24-month period. The first year consists of 20 credits per academic year. The second year is 19 credits per academic year. 

For distance or hybrid programs, your aid will be released on the eighth day of the term (or the next business day). All aid is released initially in as close to equal amounts as possible over the academic year to your student tuition account, subject to. 

Reproductive Clinical Science, PhD - Cost of Attendance

 2024-2025   Reproductive Clinical Science, Ph.D. | Year 1 Reproductive Clinical Science, Ph.D. | Year 2 Reproductive Clinical Science, Ph.D. | Year 3
Budget length   12 mos. 12 mos. 8 mos.
Tuition* In-state ($1,450/credit) $26,100 $24,650 $20,300
  Out-of-state ($1,662/credit) $29,916 $28,254 $23,268
Fees* Mandatory  $282 $207 $227
Subtotal tuition and fees (direct costs) In-state $26,382 $24,857 $20,527
  Out-of-state $30,198 $28,461 $23,495
Other allowances Books and equipment $1,925 $900 $900
  Room $16,800 $16,800 $11,200
  Board $6,216 $6,216 $4,144
  Personal expenses $1,056 $1,056 $704
  Transportation $1,717 $1,717 $1,145
Cost of attendance without loan fees In-state $54,096 $51,546 $38,620
  Out-of-state $57,912 $55,150 $41,588
Loan fees** Direct unsubsidized – 1.057%  $216 $216 $216
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% in-state $1,420 $1,313 $766
  Grad PLUS – 4.228% out-of-state $1,582 $1,465 $892
The total cost of attendance including loan fees In-state $55,732 $53,075 $39,602
  Out-of-state $59,710 $56,831 $42,696

*Tuition and fees are subject to change throughout the year.

**Loan fees are subject to change for loans first disbursed on or after October 1.

Cost of attendance (COA) budgets are set annually for the programs within the School of Health Professions.

Financial aid is disbursed in equal amounts at the beginning of each term. Your actual cost of attendance budget will be viewable when you log into the online financial aid system via your student portal. The cost of attendance budget includes loan fees based on in-state or out-of-state budgets. A student's cost of attendance may be slightly different from what appears on this page based on approved adjustments. Review your budget closely and only borrow what you truly need. 

As part of the Higher Education Act, as amended, regulations governing elements were established. Federal regulation requires that all need determinations be based on a single student budget for a program. If you demonstrate unusual expenses, see the guidelines and form to request a budget increase. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis within federal regulations.