Financial Aid adheres to and supports the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct for financial aid professionals.
The statement of ethical principles guides how financial aid administrators should advocate for students to manifest the highest level of integrity, support student access and success, comply with federal and state laws, strive for transparency and clarity, and protect the privacy of financial aid applicants.
The code of conduct says, in part, that member institutions will ensure that:
- No action is taken by financial aid staff that is for their personal benefit or could be perceived to be a conflict of interest
- All information provided is accurate, unbiased and does not reflect preference arising from actual or potential personal gain
- Information provided to students (including consumer information and award notifications) shall be complete, clearly defined, and readily available
- Financial aid professionals will disclose to their institution any involvement, interest in, or potential conflict of interest with any entity with which the institution has a business relationship
Any questions, feedback, or concerns regarding student financial aid will be answered promptly by the Financial Aid or the Associate Dean for Admissions and Enrollment.