A female doctor holding a clipboard speaks to a patient.

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Advancing care for mental illness and developing a greater understanding of complex problems in human behavior.

Media inquiries for Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is a vital clinical care provider and as such our phone lines are dedicated to patient appointments, medication, and other pertinent information.

All media requests should be directed to EVMS Marketing and Communications at news@evms.edu. General questions and comments can be sent to feedback@evms.edu.

Offering compassionate, quality care

Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University offers high-quality treatment from trusted, experienced psychiatrists. Informed by our research efforts, we provide compassionate treatment to the patients of Coastal Virginia.

Elderly woman is comforted by a medical professional. Focus is on their hands. The medical staff is holding the woman's hand.

Our psychiatry residency

Get balanced training in the clinical and scientific aspects of psychiatry. Our residents work long-term cases in psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, supportive psychotherapy and medication management. In addition, residents conduct research and will soon have the opportunity to train in the new Children of the King's Daughters Mental Health Hospital set to open in 2022. 

Mark Cotterell, MD, is leading the effort to offer Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) as an alternative to traditional medications.

Community involvement

We go beyond the patient's bedside in an effort to improve mental health and quality of life throughout the community. Our students, residents, faculty and staff come together each year to collect and assemble donated items for homeless psychiatric patients.

Healing in our community

Psychiatry sponsors the annual Joint Mental Health Summit in conjunction with The M. Foscue Brock Institute for Community and Global Health and other partners. The summit began as an effort to better deliver services to acute patients with major psychiatric disorders.