Policy of the Edward E. Brickell Medical Sciences Library

Chapter II: Clients and Privileges

II. A. General Public

The Library is open to the public and its open-stack collections may be used within the confines of the library by anyone having need of them. Introductory guidance in use of library collections is provided by the reference staff. Photocopiers are provided for public use on a cost-recovery basis. The library may refuse use of the photocopiers for copying personally owned material.

Beyond in-house use of library material, client groups and the services provided to each are as follows.

II. B. Primary Clients

Definition: Primary clients are those for whom the library was established and funded:

  1. Students currently enrolled in formal courses of instruction in Brock Virginia Health Sciences and its units as defined to the Director of Library Services or designee by the Executive Vice President, Health Sciences.
  2. Residents and Fellows listed in the rosters of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs.
  3. Students and faculty of consortium programs of which Brock VHS is one of the degree granting institutions.
  4. Salaried and volunteer faculty of Brock VHS/GME as approved by the Board of Directors
  5. Salaried Staff of Brock VHS.

II. B. 2. Privileges: Primary clients receive all borrowing and reference services free of charge including use of on-line bibliographic databases. Self-service photocopies and copies/documents provided by library staff on order of the client are provided on a cost recovery basis. Interlibrary Loans (ILL) are provided on a cost recovery basis whether supplied as copies or returnable originals. Funds for replacement or repair of lost or damaged materials will be recovered from the individual or from his or her department.

II. B. 3. Misuse of Privilege: Services provided to primary clients under this policy are intended for the support of Brock VHS programs and for the enhancement of the primary client’s ability to contribute to those programs. Use of these privileges which does not relate to the interests of Brock VHS and which seems to impinge on available library resources may be subject to review by appropriate Brock VHS administrative personnel.

II. B. 4. Identification: Primary client privileges will be received upon presentation of a valid identification card issued by Human Resources. Privileges may be denied without this card, unless the client has been formally registered in the library’s supplementary file of borrowers.

II. C. Reciprocal Clients

  1. Definition: Reciprocal clients are primary clients of another library who receive specified services from the Brickell Medical Sciences Library under formal agreement in exchange for our own primary clients receiving similar services from the reciprocating library. Reciprocal agreements are authorized by the President/Provost/Dean of Brock VHS.
  2. Contents of Agreements: In addition to the specification of services, reciprocal agreements shall provide for adequate identification of the people to be served and shall state the degree of institutional responsibility for materials lost or damaged.
  3. Prior Agreements: No reciprocal agreement already in effect is to be negated by any failure to conform to all provisions of this policy, but the Director of Library Services shall make every effort to negotiate any changes needed to bring agreements into conformity with this policy. Agreements found to be against the best interests of Brickell Library clients may be canceled by the Executive Vice President, Health Sciences.
  4. Reciprocal Agreements Currently in Effect: Text of approved reciprocal agreements shall be included as part of this policy and removed at whatever time the agreement may be canceled.
    1. ODU Agreement (inserted).
    2. Virginia Tidewater Consortium Agreement (inserted).

II. D. Honorary Clients

Honorary clients are those few individuals who have given such significant assistance to Brock VHS that it is appropriate to give them services at no charge whatever, as an expression of appreciation. These individuals may be recommended by the Director of Library Services, or the Library Advisory Committee but must be named by the Executive Vice President, Health Sciences.

II. E. Courtesy Clients

  1. Definition: Courtesy status may be given to clients whose activities in the community are complementary to Brock VHS programs although unrelated to the corporate entity. This status includes employees of healthcare facilities, medical practices, and hospitals.
  2. Privileges and Authorization: Courtesy status is subject to approval by the Director of Library Services or designee. Courtesy clients receive the same borrowing privileges as primary clients without cost, and may also receive reference and document delivery services on a cost-recovery basis. Approval of groups depends on individuals in the group being adequately identified, including any time limit on their membership in the group. Approval of courtesy status may be canceled if it is found that the use of the collection by an individual or group is not in the best interests of the primary clientele.
  3. Norfolk Academy of Medicine members have permanent membership in this class of clients under the terms of the gift of their library to the Brickell Medical Sciences Library (formerly the Moorman Memorial Library) in 1973. An updated roster of members is provided to this library by the Executive Secretary of the Academy.
  4. Graduates of Brock VHS/GME will be given courtesy status.
  5. As a personal service to primary clients, their spouses and children will continue to receive courtesy status when so identified by the primary client.

II. F. Subscription Clients

  1. Definition: Many unaffiliated people need the services of this library for purposes which have little or no residual benefit to Brock VHS programs. These people may apply for status as Subscription Clients and will be accepted by the Director of Library Services or designee according to the ability of the library to provide services after its primary responsibilities are fulfilled.
  2. Borrowing Privileges are provided upon payment of a yearly fee, as determined by Brock VHS administration. In addition to borrowing fees, the client must pay replacement costs of lost or damaged material and may forfeit the borrowing privileges without refund if library rules, including due dates, are not followed.

II. G. Special Provisions

  1. Interlibrary Loans will be obtained only for primary clients. Others should receive this service from their own primary library. Interlibrary loan to non-primary clients would eventually obligate this library, under copyright law, to maintain subscriptions outside the scope of our collection policy.
  2. Sanctions: Any individual in any client group will lose all library privileges if library rules are not followed, e.g. administrative rules approved by the Dean’s Office as well as the provisions of this policy.
  3. Reference Services are charged per transaction except to primary and honorary clients. Charges are payable on delivery of the service unless a registration record has been established in one of the defined client groups.
  4. Electronic Resource Access: Per contractual obligation, off-campus access to these resources is limited to primary clients with authorized Brock VHS network credentials.

This policy is recommended on July 15, 1985 by the Library Committee to the Dean.

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