MHPE Mission Statement: 

Medical and Health Professions Education (MHPE) Programs are dedicated to building a diverse, interprofessional learning community of scholars committed to advancing diversity, inclusion, equity* and socially responsible education, research, and service in the health professions.  

Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes:  

Students who enroll in the MHPE programs will engage in transformational learning that connects their experiences, coursework, and knowledge to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the world that informs their teaching, research, and professional practice. Graduates of the Doctoral Program in Medical and Health Professions Education are:

Goal 1: Health professions educators who exhibit cultural humility and sensitivity who are able to 

  • SLO 1.1 Consider the diverse backgrounds of learners  
  • SLO 1.2 Design accessible learning environments  
  • SLO 1.3 Communicate educational content effectively to diverse student populations 
  • SLO 1.4 Assess educational outcomes 
  • SLO 1.5 Evaluate program effectiveness 

Goal 2: Contemporary health professions scholars who are able to 

  • SLO 2.1 Consider the diverse backgrounds and perceptions of human subjects research populations 
  • SLO 2.2 Assess research quality for rigor and bias 
  • SLO 2.3 Adhere to legal and ethical research practices 

Goal 3:  Community engaged health professions practitioners who are able to

  • SLO 3.1 Connect local, national, and global events with their teaching and leadership 
  • SLO 3.2 Apply principles of leadership in health professions education 

What does socially responsible education, research & service mean? 

As future educators, graduates of the MHPE programs are dedicated to using education as a driver of economic opportunity and social justice.  The MHPE students’ learning experiences will be facilitated by curricula that: 

  • examine the sociocultural contexts of teaching and learning 
  • facilitate access through online learning 
  • consider the role of social and structural determinants of health in medical and health education 
  • develop cultural humility and compassion for the human condition 
  • foster an action orientation 
  • explore unconscious bias as educators and scholars 

 *The Medical & Health Professions Education Program uses APA definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion.