Program advisor

Leanne White
Director of Advising, Health Sciences
3133 Health Sciences Building
Norfolk, VA 23529
Phone: 757.683.5137

Prerequisite checklist

Below are the courses offered through ODU that will be accepted toward completing the required and recommended prerequisite courses to apply to the Pathologists' Assistant program. If multiple courses listed are on the transcript, the course with the highest grade will be used in our review.

  1. Please note that the required prerequisite courses must be completed before the EAP application deadline.
  2. All courses must be completed at Old Dominion University with a B or better. For otherwise qualified transfer students, transfer credits for prerequisites may be approved by the EAP Program Advisor.
  3. Pre-requisite courses must not be repeated for poor performance.

Note: Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the PWRPF Admissions Directors and will not be granted retroactively.

EVMS Prerequisite Acceptable ODU Course(s)
General Biology (2 semesters)

BIOL 121N/122N: General Biology I with lab
BIOL 123N/124N: General Biology I with lab

General Chemistry (2 semesters)

CHEM 121N/122N: General Chemistry I with lab
CHEM 123N/124N: General Chemistry II with lab

Organic Chemistry (2 semesters)

CHEM 211/212: Organic Chemistry I with lab
CHEM 213/214: Organic Chemistry II with lab


MLS 351/452: Clinical Biochemistry and Practicum

Mathematics (1 semester)

MATH 102M: College Algebra
MATH 162M: Precalculus I
STAT  130M: Elementary Statistics

Physics (1 semester)

PHYS 111N: introductory General Physics

EVMS Recommended Prerequisites 

Acceptable ODU Course(s)

Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 240 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 241 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 251 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 

BIOL 150/151: Introductory Microbiology and Lab


BIOL 316/317: General Microbiology and Lab


MLS 307/308: Clinical Microbiology and Lab 


BIOL 313: Introduction to Neuroanatomy



CYTO 407: Clinical Histology


To fulfill the prerequisite requirement, you must earn a B or better in at least one of the listed courses. Your institution's requirements for specific courses still apply.