Last edited on January 18, 2024

Responsible use of generative AI

We invite students to explore and innovate with generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. However, such tools must be used ethically and you must understand their limitations. The principles and guidelines below aim to ensure both academic integrity and a productive, ethical engagement with advanced AI technologies.


  1. AI should enhance your cognitive process, not replace it.
    1. Leverage AI for brainstorming, research (in line with the second guideline), and problem analysis. However, never use it as a shortcut for assignments.
    2. For instance, don’t feed assignment questions into AI tools and simply copy the output as your response.
  2. You should engage ethically with AI.
    1. Approach AI with a critical mindset, evaluating its results for potential biases, limitations, and ethical ramifications.
    2. Be mindful of privacy, intellectual rights, and confidentiality when working with AI.
    3. Always ensure the data used adheres to pertinent standards and regulations.
  3. You have total responsibility for accuracy and validity of content.
    1. You're in charge. Any error on the AI's part that you adopt becomes your error.
    2. If you're uncertain about the authenticity of any output, validate it through research. If you can't confirm its accuracy, omit it.
    3. Essentially, you must treat AI-produced content as if you authored it, ensuring proper attributions, factual accuracy, and source verifications.
  4. You have to be transparent in AI integration.
    1. Any use of AI in your work should be transparently mentioned in your submissions.
    2. Further guidance on citing AI usage is provided subsequently.
  5. You should use these guidelines as default.
    1. Abide by these guidelines unless I provide explicit directives for a particular assignment or test.
    2. You must ascertain adherence to the appropriate guidelines.
  6. You should not enter confidential and personal data.
    1. Refrain from inputting personal or confidential details (like your One Card information) into AI platforms.
    2. Such actions risk significant data breaches, so avoid them.

AI usage guidance:

Specific examples of how AI can be used in different writing assignments (e.g., research papers, essays, presentations).

  • Example 1: Using AI-powered writing tools to check for grammar and plagiarism.
  • Example 2: Using AI to generate outlines and topic ideas for writing assignments.
  • Example 3: Using AI to translate text from one language to another.

Plagiarism and academic integrity issues associated with using AI

  • Potential plagiarism and academic integrity issues with AI
    • Direct copying without citation: AI can generate text that resembles plagiarism unless properly cited and used responsibly.
    • Paraphrasing without understanding: AI paraphrasing tools can result in unintentional plagiarism if not used with critical thinking and proper attribution.
    • Creating "original" work with unoriginal ideas: AI-generated text can lack originality and depth, leading to superficial work that fails academic standards.
    • Over-reliance on AI tools: Over-dependence on AI tools can hinder the development of critical thinking, writing, and research skills.
  • How to avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity
    • Use AI for inspiration and support, not as a substitute for original thinking and writing.
    • Always fact-check and verify information generated by AI.
    • Properly cite all sources, including AI-generated content.
    • Paraphrase and summarize information in your own words and understanding.
    • Focus on developing and demonstrating your own analytical and critical thinking skills.
    • Seek guidance and clarification from instructors if unsure about proper AI usage.
    • Maintain a strong understanding of academic integrity policies and uphold ethical conduct.

Additional resources