The Website Overview dashboard report in Siteimprove is designed to provide you with an at-a-glance picture of your website(s). 

Screenshot of an email of the Siteimprove Website Overview report with arrow pointing to view report button

This report is emailed at the beginning of every month and features scores for quality assurance (e.g. broken links, misspellings) and accessibility issues as well as analytics for the past 30 days. 

When you receive the email, you will have the option to "View report," which will pull up a webpage version. From there, use the modules to log in to Siteimprove, where you can dive deeper and fix issues impacting your score.

Email or submit at ticket via to get started with a report schedule and access to Siteimprove.

Quality Assurance

The first section of the report covers quality assurance.

Here you will find your current QA score as well as the status of the following four issues: Broken Links, Broken Links in PDFs, Misspellings and Words to Review. Learn how to use the Quality Assurance section of Siteimprove to fix broken links (EVMS login required).

The Quality Assurance section of the Website Overview report.


The Accessibility section of the report contains the overall score for your website as well as four issues:

  • Images without a text alternative
  • Video without captions
  • Empty headings
  • Headings are not structured

Each of these modules show the number of resolve issues. You can view current confirmed and potential issues for each area through the link under "Related to this resolved issue." 

Learn more about using Siteimprove's Accessibility features to find and fix issues (EVMS login required).

Screenshot of the Accessibility section of a Website Overview report.


The report's third section contains information about analytics for the past 30 days.

This includes a chart of page visits, a summary of visitors (location, device used, browser, etc.) and a table showing the most visited pages. Learn how to export metrics for your webpages (EVMS login required)

Screenshot of the Analytics section of a Website Overview report.

Learn how to manage your profile, fix broken links, address accessibility issues and export metrics.