The following questions were adapted from the Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT) and can be sent to potential vendors. These questions are designed as a way for you to gather additional information about the vendor's accessibility maturity and ability to address issues after procurement.

Accessibility contact

  • Can you provide the name, title and contact information for the most appropriate accessibility contact for the product under consideration?

Accessibility standards conformance

  • Has a VPAT been created or updated for the product or service and version under consideration within the past year?
  • Has a third-party accessibility expert conducted an accessibility audit of the most recent version of your product?
  • Do you have a documented and implemented process for verifying accessibility conformance?
  • Have you adopted a technical or legal accessibility standard of conformance for the product in question?
  • Can you provide a current, detailed accessibility roadmap with delivery timelines?

Organization maturity for accessibility

  • Do you expect your staff to maintain a current skill set in IT accessibility?
  • Do you have a documented and implemented process for reporting and tracking accessibility issues?
  • Do you have documented processes and procedures for implementing accessibility into your development lifecycle?

User experience, support and documentation

  • Can all functions of the application or service be performed using only the keyboard?
  • Does your product rely on activating a special "accessibility mode," a "lite version," or accessing an alternate interface for accessibility purposes?
  • Do you have documentation to support the accessibility features of your products