Budget Development

As the Principal Investigator and the department administrator develop a preliminary budget; Sponsored Programs is available to assist with estimating personnel costs, fringe benefits, cost share, travel, Facility & Administrative Rates and Indirect Costs and other budget issues. EVMS' Budget Form with Cost Match Form includes a separate column for cost-shared expenses. The separate Cost Share form has been eliminated.

Sponsored Programs is available to assist with the financial aspects of the budget justification. They will coordinate with sub-awardees and be the point of contact between the parties. As the Principal Investigator refines the budget, the most up-to-date version is provided to Sponsored Programs. As the proposed budget nears the final stage, it is submitted to Sponsored Programs for review and concurrence.

When the final budget includes EVMS-funded Cost Share, the Principal Investigator must obtain approval signatures of the Chair and of EVMS Business Management on the budget and cost match page and submit to Sponsored Programs. Investigators should minimize voluntary cost share in sponsor budgets and seek to obtain salary support for designated time and effort commitment to the proposed project. If questions arise as to the suitability of the submission, appropriate EVMS personnel will work with the Principal Investigator to determine whether the project will be pursued.

Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreements and Material Transfer Agreements

When the Principal Investigator wishes to include a sub-awardee in the proposal, if a Non-Disclosure or Confidentiality Agreement is requested, the Principal Investigator sends the agreement to Sponsored Programs for review. If concerns are noted, Sponsored Programs coordinates with the Principal Investigator and the sub-awardee for a resolution. Once all parties are in agreement with the terms and conditions, Sponsored Programs signs a Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreement and returns it directly to the sub-awardee. Sponsored Programs provides the sub-awardee a copy of the EVMS standard sub-award agreement and negotiates the terms and conditions with the sub-awardee.

Material Transfer Agreements are reviewed and negotiated by EVMS Technology Transfer, who sends copies to Sponsored Programs for inclusion with the project files.

Additional Pre-Submission Information and Assistance

Sponsored Programs is available to assist with the preparation of any required Pharmaceutical Sponsor forms (cover page, budget page, justification, etc.). Sponsored Programs can also retain updated copies of CVs, lists of publications, listings of Current & Pending Support and Disclosure of Financial Interest Forms for inclusion in Pharmaceutical Sponsor submissions as requested by the Principal Investigator. These copies are then readily available for inclusion in future submissions.

Proposal Approvals

Sponsored Programs will initiate the Proposal Approval Form (E-1) and submit it to the Principal Investigator for completion. The signature page of the Proposal Approval Form contains the department chair's statement regarding the department's maintenance of its clinical responsibility and the total effort of the faculty. Budget approvals must be obtained on the Proposal Approval Form (E-1) and the Budget Form with Cost March (Form E-2). All forms must be submitted to Sponsored Programs before any budget submission to the sponsor. Approvals are required from the Principal Investigator, any co-investigators, the department chair for each department involved, and the Associate Dean for Research and Sponsored Programs.

EVMS Health Services

If EVMS Medical Group patients are to be used as study subjects in a proposal, the Clinical Billing Template (Form HS-1) must be submitted with the Proposal Approval Form . Fully signed forms must accompany the proposal submission to Sponsored Programs. This form is required so that the EVMS Health Services may conduct annual billing audits.

These forms must be accompanied by a complete final copy of the proposal and budget for Sponsored Programs approvals. The final copy should include both the scientific and technical sections and the administrative and budget sections of the proposal. Sponsored Programs will review and provide the institutional signature. Sponsored Programs will return approved proposals to the department for submission to the Sponsor. The Principal Investigator is responsible for distribution of internal copies within EVMS. Sponsored Programs will notify the Associate Dean for Research of the proposal submission.

Notice of Award or Non-funding

When the award is received from the Sponsor, it must be delivered to Sponsored Programs in Andrews Hall. The Principal Investigator should follow up to ensure that any required Institutional Review Board, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and Compliance approvals are obtained and provide such documentation to Sponsored Programs. We will review the award, compare the administrative and budget information to the proposal submitted, obtain scientific/technical concurrence from Principal Investigator, manage any necessary negotiations, route for Principal Investigator and Director of Finance approvals, and return to Sponsor. Distribution of the final agreement and account release information will be sent to Grants Accounting. Once the grant account number is established, the project is ready to start.

If a notice of non-funding is received by the Principal Investigator, it is forwarded to the Department Chair and Sponsored Programs for internal tracking purposes.

A grant account may be set up by Grants Accounting ahead of final paperwork being received by use of a Contingent Grant Request form. Principal Investigator's must contact Sponsored Programs to determine whether a contingent grant can be established and follow the Financial Services Policy on Contingent Grant Requests.