IRS Employer TIN/EIN Number: 54‐6055378

Data Universal Number System (DUNS): 058625146

CAGE Code Number: 02SP5

Cognizant Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

DHHS Rate Agreement Date: April 11, 2016

USDA Registration Number: 52‐R‐003

IRB Identification Number: 01NR

NIH Entity ID Number: 1‐546055378‐A2

Human Subject Assurance Number: FW A00003956 (as of 1/14/2005)

NSF Organization Code Number: 0001768000

Congressional District: VA 003

Type of Organization: Private, Non-Profit

Organizational Component Code: 01

Major Subdivision: School of Medicine

Animal Welfare Assurance number: A3012‐01