Facial nerve disorders lead to loss of facial voluntary control of movement and can lead to facial weakness or immobility, facial spasms or involuntary contractions or tics, inability to smile, and facial drooping. Combined, these symptoms can profoundly affect our ability to communicate, how we express emotions and how other perceive us.

Facial paralysis can affect different parts of the face. Common symptoms include:

Eyelid and brow region

  • Droopy eyebrow and eyelid
  • Inability to completely close the eye
  • Dry eye and excessive tearing
  • Involuntary eye closure
  • Corneal scarring
  • Red eye
  • Blurry vision
  • Pain or discomfort

Mouth and smile

  • Inability to smile
  • Difficulty with speech and eating
  • Frequent biting of the lips or inside cheek
  • Drooling
  • Inability to keep food in mouth


  • Droopy cheek
  • Nasal obstruction


  • Neck spasms
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