Larry Gruppen, PhD

Larry Gruppen, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Learning Health Sciences at the University of Michigan Medical School, where he directs the competency-based Master in Health Professions Education program. His research interests center around the development of expertise, knowledge and performance assessment, self-regulated learning and scholarship development.

Master Adaptive Learner model

At the core of the Master Adaptive Learner model is the concept of self-regulated learning. The model is developed by recognizing the four stages of learning theory developed by Zimmerman. As health professions curricula are driving toward developing lifelong learners, the Master Adaptive Learner model is an attempt to develop a conceptual framework to show how complex this can be.

At the end of the professional development byte, you will be able to:

  • Provide an explanation as to why the Master Adaptive Learner model was developed and what gap it filled in medical education
  • Apply the Master Adaptive Learner model when educating healthcare professionals

Watch this professional development byte: Master Adaptive Learner


  1. Cutrer W.B., Miller B., Pusic M.V., et al. (2016) Fostering the development of master adaptive learners: A conceptual model to guide skill acquisition in medical education. Acad Med. Online ahe. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000001323
  2. White C.B., Gruppen L.D. (2010) Self-Regulated Learning in Medical Education. In: Understanding Medical Education. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons; 271-282
  3. Artini A.R., Brydges R., Gruppen L.D. (2015) Self-regulated learning in healthcare profession education; theoretical perspectives and research methods. In: Cleland J., Durning S.J., eds. Researching Medical Education. John Wiley & Sons: 155-166

Dr. Gruppen has disclosed he has no relevant financial relationships.