Luanne Thorndyke, MD, FACP

Luanne Thorndyke, MD, is Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS). She leads an office responsible for all matters related to faculty, including sponsoring faculty/leadership development, administering academic affairs, leading efforts to promote recognition and satisfaction, supporting faculty diversity and inclusion and spearheading efforts to advance women and promote gender equity. Prior to joining UMMS, she was Associate Dean for Professional Development at Pennsylvania State College of Medicine and Assistant Dean of Continuing Medical Education. A graduate of Duke University and University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Thorndyke is a board-certified internist. Her clinical interests include women’s health and geriatrics. Thorndyke was elected Chair of the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Faculty Affairs in 2013. She is also a member of the Group on Diversity and Inclusion and the Group on Women in Science and Medicine. 

Graceful self-promotion 

Graceful self-promotion is a way of speaking diplomatically and strategically about yourself and your accomplishments. Like any skill, graceful self-promotion is a communication skill that can be learned and improved. However, the ability to effectively speak about one’s work, contributions and impact is difficult for many and potentially damaging if poorly executed.

At the end of the professional development byte, you will be able to:

  • Use strategies to be used to self-promote and relate these strategies to your academic role

Watch this professional development byte: Graceful Self-Promotion


  1. Six ways to promote yourself — Elegantly. Kay, Katty. Harvard Business Review. 08/20/2014.
  2. How to promote yourself without looking like a jerk. Clark, Dorie. Harvard Business Review. 12/22/2014.
  3. Your body language shapes who you are. Cuddy, Amy. TEDGlobal 2012.21:02. Filmed Jun 2012. 
  4. Graceful self-promotion — It’s essential. Morahan, Page. Academic Physician & Scientist. February 2004. 
  5. Quintessential Careers: Introduce yourself like you mean it. Lichtenberg, Ronna. Excerpt from Pitch Like a Girl: How a Woman Can Be Herself, by Ronna Lichtenberg, 2005.

Dr. Thorndyke has disclosed she has no relevant financial relationships.