Improved Cognitive Performance in Myeloid-specific STAT4 deficient Ldlr-/- mice

Author: Robin Bai
Program: Medicine
Mentor(s): Elena Galkina, PhD, FAHA
Poster #: 129
Session/Time: A/2:40 p.m.



Neutrophils are myeloid cells involved in every step of atherosclerosis. The Galkina Lab has shown STAT4, a transcription factor known for driving Th1 and Th17 differentiation, to be critical for neutrophil activation. Recently, we demonstrated that myeloid-specific Stat4 deficient Ldlr-/- mice (Stat4LysMLdlr-/-) have improved plaque stability compared to controls. Increasing evidence suggests that atherosclerosis may be an important risk factor for cognitive impairment. While innate immunity is a known driver for atherosclerosis, its involvement in cognitive decline remains poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated myeloid specific effects of STAT4 deficiency on cognitive performance in atherosclerotic mice. Methods: Stat4LysMLdlr-/- and control Stat4fl/fl Ldlr-/- female and male mice were fed a high- fat/cholesterol diet (DDC) for 28 or 32 weeks. Behavioral analyses, open field, (OF) and Y-maze, were conducted to assess memory and anxiety via Noldus Ethovision XT. During the OF tests, fecal boli counts were collected to measure as an additional anxiety measure.


32 weeks DDC fed Stat4LysMLdlr-/- female mice showed a significant increase in correct alternations on the Y-maze in comparison with age- and diet- matched Stat4fl/flLdlr-/- controls. Interestingly, DDC feeding for 4 additional weeks resulted in a significant decrease in correct alternations among female Stat4fl/flLdlr-/- mice, implying a decline in spatial recognition memory following extended DDC feeding. It is important to note that male mice showed no significant differences in correct alternations between genotype and/or diet duration. Mice naturally avoid open areas and prefer to stay along the periphery. Decreased center/periphery duration implies increased anxiety. No significant difference was observed in the center/periphery duration among all groups. Additionally, no differences were observed in fecal boli count between groups. Together, these data suggest similar anxiety levels across groups.


Overall, Stat4LysMLdlr-/- female mice made more correct alternations on the Y-maze compared to control Stat4fl/flLdlr-/- group, which indicates improved cognitive function and memory. Thus, our data suggests that STAT4 in myeloid cells and/or potentially other cells of the brain plays a pathological role for cognitive health that is likely connected with an increased neuroinflammation. Future experiments will be focused on an identification of cell-specific mechanisms by which STAT4 is involved in neuroinflammation in the conditions of atherosclerosis.