Our professional and faculty development drive-thru trainings are brief snapshot presentations on a topic in 15 minutes or less. These drive-thru trainings fulfill ACGME's general competencies, which include:

  • Medical Knowledge
  • Patient Care
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  • Practice-based Learning and Improvement
  • Systems-base Practice
  • Professionalism

This training module has two main objectives. First, it will allow learners to identify verbal facilitation skills and ways to offer encouragement to the patient "at the bedside." Second, it will identify non-verbal facilitation skills and ways to implement them into the resident/physician discussions with patients. 

ACGME general competencies: Patient Care, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism

Running time: 8:42

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Understanding empathy skills and strategies used with patients is critical in the clinical environment. Although some of us may naturally be better at demonstrating empathy to others, the skills of empathy, like any other communication skill, can be learned. This training module will focus on two specific empathy strategies known as NURS and FIFE that residents/physicians can use with their patients.

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Practice-based Learning and Improvement

Running time: 5:53

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It is important for faculty to participate in a strong blend of didactic and role-play scenarios when learning effective teaching methods. This training will focus on effective feedback strategies and the importance of using research-based methods for delivering the information to the residents. Learners will be able to differentiate and understand the difference between a classic feedback sandwich and an enhanced feedback sandwich.

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Running time: 4:42

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There isn’t a cookie-cutter approach to teaching students, residents or faculty how to be effective teachers or facilitators. During this learning module, you will recognize and understand that there are learner differences among us all. Find out what the common learning styles are and how different teaching styles and techniques for quick assessment of leaning can make you a better and more effective teacher.

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism

Running time: 11:15

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Learn how powerful the assistance from the EVMS clinical librarians can be to you and your department. The clinical librarians are there to find quick factual information, conduct subject research, compile bibliographies and assist you in learning how to use the library and its resources. There are no charges to EVMS faculty, staff, students and honorary clients.  

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Running time: 3:35

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The focus of this training module is to help faculty understand the differences in teaching and learning strategies and how to make them effective for the appropriate generation learner. More often, faculty are realizing the generational gap is causing a disconnect in learning and performance opportunities in the clinical learning environment. This training will help to bridge that generational gap and offer suggestions for productive learning and overcoming challenges. 

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism

Running time: 13:23

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The material in this training module is adapted from the book "How Successful People Lead" by John C. Maxwell. The Drive Thru explains how true leadership works. It is not generated by your title. In fact, being named to a position is the lowest of the five levels every effective leader achieves. To be more than a boss people are required to follow, you must master the ability to inspire and invest in people. You need to build a team that produces not only results, but also future leaders.

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Running time: 17:53

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The goal of the leadership coaching program is to provide residents/fellows with effective interpersonal coping strategies while they manage the range of responsibilities within their training experiences. This training module will highlight the criteria of the GME Leadership Coaching Program.

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Running time: 4:53

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The One-Minute Preceptor model is a useful combination of proven teaching skills combined to produce a method that is very functional in the clinical setting. It provides the preceptor with a system to provide efficient and effective teaching to the learner around the single patient encounter. This training module will outline and discuss the six steps of the One-Minute Preceptor Model.

ACGME general competencies: Practice-based Learning and Improvement

Running time: 9:01

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Often, residents/physicians find it hard to give good practical feedback to their learners (residents or medical students). This module will help the learner identify factors that make for effective feedback and learn what barriers may be faced when giving feedback.

ACGME general competencies: Practice-based Learning and Improvement, Professionalism

Running time: 5:49

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Being able to report potential patient-safety concerns is crucial no matter what institution you work in. Although this module will outline the steps needed to report concerns in Epic, all learners will benefit from the reasoning behind why the issues need to be reported. The learners will also view examples of patient safety concerns that may be reported via Epic at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital.

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Systems-based Practice

Running time: 6:15

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This module reviews the current wellness resources that are available to residents and fellows here at EVMS. The following resources are reviewed: Resident and Fellow Association (RAFA), Well-Being Index, Leadership Coaching, Running Club, Couples Support Group, EVMS Wellness Program and the Sentara Heart Hospital Gym.

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism

Running time: 5:56

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The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) requires sponsoring institutions and residency programs to provide fatigue education during residency training, implement measures to identify and mitigate fatigue during training and develop mechanisms to provide coverage for residents that are fatigued. This training module will address these ACGME requirements as well as effective ways of napping and the use of caffeine.

ACGME general competencies: Medical Knowledge

Running time: 4:27

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The material in this training module is adapted from the "Teaching and Assessing Professionalism: A Program Director’s Guide." The purpose for this training is to raise awareness and promote understanding about the impact of stress on professional behavior in individuals and team members and what actions can be taken.

ACGME general competencies: Medical Knowledge, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism

Running time: 4:52

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In their seminal paper on the topic of providing effecting consultations, Goldman, Lee and Rudd (1983) said, "If physicians are not explicitly instructed in how to perform consultation, the outcome of their consultative efforts may be suboptimal" (pg. 1753-1755). This was true in 1983 and remains true today. This training module will discuss ten focused areas involved in providing effective consultation, per Goldman and colleagues. Each of the “Ten Commandments” will be reviewed in detail.

ACGME general competencies: Patient Care, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism

Running time: 6:28

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The material in this training module was adapted from the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey. In summary, Stephen Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service and human dignity - principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates. These same principles can be applied to the field of graduate medical education. 

ACGME general competencies: Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism

Running time: 18:41

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This module is designed to give the learner a better understanding of what graduate medical education is all about. The learners will recognize the differences related to training for medical students, residents and fellows. They will also recognize the unique culture of physician education as it relates to graduate medical education (GME).

ACGME general competencies: Professionalism

Running time: 12:04

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