Deborah H. Damon, PhD

<p>1985, University of Virginia, PhD, Physiology</p>


Physiological Sciences

Lewis Hall


Office Hours

By appointment

Direct Number:  757.446.5267

Fax:  757.624.2270

Undergraduate Degree

1978, Hartwick College, B.A., Biology

Graduate Education

1985, University of Virginia, PhD, Physiology

Postdoctoral Education

1984-1985, University of Virginia, Physiology

1985-1990, Harvard University, Cell Biology

Presentations and Scholarships

Deborah H. Damon, PhD - Bibliography

Office Hours

By appointment

Direct Number:  757.446.5267

Fax:  757.624.2270

Undergraduate Degree

1978, Hartwick College, B.A., Biology

Graduate Education

1985, University of Virginia, PhD, Physiology

Postdoctoral Education

1984-1985, University of Virginia, Physiology

1985-1990, Harvard University, Cell Biology

Presentations and Scholarships

Deborah H. Damon, PhD - Bibliography

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