
  • Include an annual inflationary increase of 3%.
  • Detail the effort and salary for all project investigators, key personnel, professional and research staff, graduate and undergraduate students and casual or part-time workers. 
  • Salary should be based on the percentage of effort worked by each individual on the project in relation to their annual salary.
  • For personnel who meet or exceed the NIH salary cap, use the current cap amount in place of their current salary.

Senior Personnel

  • Name: John Doe
  • Degrees: MD
  • Role in project: PI, Co-I/Collaborator
  • Example: 50% effort = 6.0 cal. mos. (12cal. months x 50%effort)=6.0 calendar months.  
  • Description: Describe the aspects of project that the personnel will be involved in and educational and research experience relevant to project (optional).

Note: Some agencies require effort to be listed as calendar months, some as percentages.  Please justify accordingly.

Other Personnel

  • Name: John Doe
  • Degrees: MD
  • Role in project: Research Assistant/Associate, Graduate Student, Postdoctoral or any other role technical role.
  • Example: 100% effort = 12 cal. mos. (12cal. months x 100%effort)= 12 calendar months.
  • Describe the aspects of project that the personnel will be involved in and educational and research experience relevant to project (optional).

Note: Some agencies require effort to be listed as calendar months, some as percentages.  Please justify accordingly.

Fringe Benefits

  • The fringe benefit rate is expressed as a percentage of salary.
  • EVMS uses actual fringe benefit rates. 
  • If personnel are yet to be determined, then the average fringe rate that should be applied is 23% (contact the OSP staff to obtain the actual fringe rate).
  • Example:  16.5% (fringe rate) x $8,955(requested salary dollars) = $1,478. 
  • Fringe benefits includes FICA, Medicare, worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, and retirement. 

Consultant Costs

  • List the services and costs of non-EVMS professionals.  
  • Example: Jane Doe, CEO of The Fisher Company, will consultant with project director three times per month each year. The Fisher’s Company rate is $200 per consultation.


  • An item is considered capital equipment that has a unit cost of $5,000 or more.  
  • Describe the equipment, quantity, unit cost and justification for the use of each item related to specific program objectives.  
  • Provide vendor quotes for equipment if suggested or required by the sponsor. 
  • Example: 2 zero degree refrigerators at $5,000 each = $10,000.


  • Describe all supply items requested and individual costs such as lab supplies, small equipment purchases, and specialized classroom/project supplies. 
  • Example: Histology supplies – For the work outlined in Aim 2, samples will be prepared by the Research Associate/Assistant. Molecular biology supplies - cloning reagents including restriction enzymes, polymerases, ligases and other standard molecular biological reagents.


  • Domestic and foreign travel should be shown separately. List the name(s) of travelers, destination, and purpose of trip.
  • Include transportation costs (coach airfare), registration fees, accommodation fees, and other related expenses.
  • Example: 2 trips/year to 1 scientific meeting (be specific if possible) x 2 travelers.

Other Expenses

  • Other expenses may vary and include costs such as vendor services, animal charges, participant support costs, tuition costs, postage, and copier charges. 
  • Examples:
    • Animal housing: 15 cages x .53/day x 365 days = $2,902/per diem cost/year.
    • Publication Costs:  Estimate the number of pages, page charges, and names of journals if possible.


  • Specify a total cost for each subcontract agreement. 
  • Subcontractors include  any organization/firm performing services that are directly related to the research, analysis, or outcome of a sponsored project. 
  • Subcontractors are not on the applicant’s payroll. 
  • Please list the name of the subaward institution and a short description of the role of the subcontractor and work to be performed.

Indirect Costs

  • Indirect Cost rates are also called Facilities and Administrative rates (F&A) or overhead rates. 
  • These rates are negotiated with the federal government on a periodic basis.
  • Include the following statement in all budget justifications:

UPDATED 07/11/2022: Eastern Virginia Medical School’s Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate is 50%. Negotiated with the Department of Health and Human Services - DHHS. Base is modified total direct cost (MTDC), consisting of all salaries and wages, fringe benefits, materials, supplies, services, travel, and subgrants and subcontracts up to the first $25,000 of each subgrant or subcontract. Modified total direct costs shall exclude equipment, capital expenditures, and charges for patient care, tuition remission, and rental costs of off-site facilities, scholarships, and fellowships as well as the portion of each subgrant or subcontract in excess of $25,000.