Institutional Review Board (IRB) support is an important library service at your disposal. Research librarians are available to conduct literature searches and provide training sessions in the use of information resources.
Research librarians are:
- the IRB's library liaison
- trained information specialists who will provide literature searches for research protocols
- well-informed about the library's collections, services, policies and resources
- knowledgeable of the nature of research conducted by Macon and Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University
Research librarians will:
- provide in-depth searches of literature
- look for similar or duplicate research
- select pertinent literature based on your search request
- search for updated literature since prior approval
- provide training sessions in the use of research databases
Why are research librarians a resource?
- Librarians can "help provide protection of human subjects"* by conducting thorough literature searches.
- Librarians will "help minimize risks to the institution" as a result of thorough literature searches.
- Librarians are "a vital partner in fulfilling the research imperative" because they are expert searchers.
*Robinson JG, Gehle JL. “Medical research and the Institutional Review Board.” Reference Services Review. 2005;33(1):20-24.
It is our pleasure to serve as your research librarians, and we encourage you to take advantage of this important service.
Request a literature search: Please complete a search request. Be sure to supply as much information about your protocol as possible and attach your protocol abstract if available.
IRB Library Contacts: Esther Sarino, MLIS
757 446-5852