Questioning then Re-Questioning During a Lecture (Dr. Damon)

     Dr. Damon asked a clicker question early in one of her lectures.   Students responded, and she presented the student response results as a graph.    She did all this from within the PowerPoint presentation for her lecture.  

    Then, after presenting the class results to the question, she had her students discuss the answer amongst themselves for less than two minutes and then, clicking on the “repoll” icon at the top the question slide, had students respond to the same question again.   This time, almost all the students had the correct answer.    She then discussed the other answers and told the students the reason for the correct one.

What’s the value of this approach?   First, having students respond to a question early in a lecture gets them actively engaged in constructing an answer, and it helps them recall their prior study of the topic.   Second, having them discuss the issue with others strengthens the schema of this concept and encourages a clinical type of reasoning.   Having them construct a second answer engages them, and constructing the correct answer and then receiving immediate feedback significantly enhances future recall.