Marketing and Communications produces a variety of video content to tell the story of Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University. You will find patient stories, news, event coverage, short community outreach highlights and many other topics on our YouTube channel and our social media pages.

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Brendan M. Ash
Media Manager II

Cory A. Hooper
Media Manager II
Marketing and Communications

On August 12, 2022 at the Harrison Opera House in Norfolk, VA, EVMS welcomed new students into the MD Class of 2026 with the White Coat Ceremony.
In December 2017, Marcial Sanchez Romero was electrocuted in an accident, resulting in the loss of his arms. After working with Dr. Beverly Roberts-Atwater, Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at EVMS, Marcial received myoelectric hands that have given Marcial the ability to do things he hasn't been able to in years.