Approved: A status that means the section or content will be made live on the website.

Content Management System (CMS): A system that allows users to create and edit web content without needing expertise in web development.

Content: Any text, images or links that make up the webpage.

Content purge: The permanent deletion of inactive content or sections.

Duplicate content: A function in Site Manager that allows you to copy a piece of content and place the copy in a new section. If you change the content in section A, the content in section B does not change. These pieces of content are separate from each other.

External link: A link to a webpage that is not in T4 or is outside of, such as

Inactive: A status that means the section or content will be deleted permanently during the next content purge.

Internal link: A link to a webpage that already exists in T4. This is also called a section link.

Landing page: A department or program's main webpage. Think of these as mini homepages, or the first page a reader will see when they arrive at your department's content.

Media library: The area in TerminalFour used to store media files such as images and PDFs.

Mirror content: A function in TerminalFour that allows you to create a mirrored piece of content from a different section. If you change the content in section A, it will reflect the changes in section B. These pieces of content are linked to each other.

Moderator: A T4 user who can make updates to webpages their department owns.

myPortal: The intranet for EVMS students, faculty and staff: 

Naming conventions: The format you should use to name your media files. This allows for ease in finding files and consistency.

Page layout: Assigned to a section to apply page layouts/designs.

Pending: A status that means the section or content will not be made live on the website but will not be deleted in a content purge.

Public site: The public-facing website:

Publish: An action that makes T4 updates live on the site.

Section: Analogous to a webpage. A section in T4 is a webpage on the live site.

Section link: A link to a webpage that already exists in T4. This is also called an internal link.

Show in navigation: When checked, the section will be added to the navigation or menu on the website. When unchecked, the section will not show in the navigation or menu (even if it is live on the website).

Site structure: The hierarchy of the website or the way content is organized on the website.

TerminalFour Site Manager: Also known as TerminalFour or T4. This is the official name of the TerminalFour CMS.

User profile: The area in TerminalFour that holds your login information and user credentials.